Wednesday, May 19, 2010


cards.. not the kind you play with but the ones you write in. My mom sent me a card today with a gift inside telling me to 힘내 for my finals that are coming up next week. sigh... next weeks.. 8 days till i'm in LA.. but its gonna be tough to finish.. so much work. so little time. i have to build a bookshelf, study 100+ images for african art (only being tested on like 8), write an essay on historical films........ AHHH TOO MUCH WORK. but back to the card... my mom encouraged my to stay focused for the next couple of days and do well, just as i have been doing these past 9 months. i've spent 9 months at risd without pulling any all nighters, and doing well in my classes :) ..... time flies

but i thinks cards are very limited. while i was reading what my mom wrote to me i couldn't help but feel that my mom wanted to write more. i think cards are a great way to send messages, but the space is so limited... maybe thats why they made those huge cards, but who thinks of writing long messages in those things .. but sometimes that space is needed to say what you want to say... idk.. i'm tired of studying in the library... but my point... sometimes cards limit you to what you want to express because of the amount of space they provide for you to write... i think ^^
ahh the cover didn't make sense (its a card from london..) and i got a gift too :) its a gingerbread man watch necklace.. so cute :) i love it haha.. it made my day

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