Monday, February 1, 2010


**technically it isn't feb. 1 right now in providence..
but in LA it is so i'm going to count it ~ :)**

today is feb. 1 and i cant believe its been a month since the new year started! it seemed really fast...
it seems like time goes faster as one gets a child.. time feels so free.. like its endless.. but lately it feels so limited...
maybe because life got a little more busier and a little more stressful that you realize the time constraints in life..

but the best part about getting older is.. i think.. you slowly start to realize that you appreciate life more for what it is and what it's made up of - art, music, smiles, joy, sadness, pain, silence, laughter...

today (technically yesterday for me) was really difficult.. it was tiring and lacking any smiles or happiness..
my final project for my ceramics class is due for the first bisque firing by thursday and i felt so stressed that i wouldn't get it done on time.. so i came back from studio around 1 AM working on my project.. (i'll post pictures when i'm done) but i finished 2 teapots and now i have 3 or 4 more left depending on how i feel.. and i have to start making 1 cup that will go for each one.. so much to do :( .. it stresses me out.. plus the glazing for my other projects that i did during wintersession.. man i have a lot of work to do..

close your eyes.. listen and relax.. listen to the music.. hear the lyrics and listen to what they're singing.. that was the solution for my stress relieving today and helped me realize that i was thinking too much about time and stressing out over something i can take on one at a time and one by one, finish on time...

if i didn't go into art.. maybe i would have gone into music...
it's definitely my fourth passion in life...
(#1: God; #2: family/friends (2nd family); #3: art/design; #4: music)...

music helped me smile today... thank you for melodies, for the emotional lyrics, for the talent...

also as i was walking back up to my dorm.. i took this picture while walking up the middle of the street .. best part about walks at 1 AM = no cars :D


  1. ohh its like that in LC too
    1am=Wide street, no cars

  2. HIMNAE! also glazing is easy dont worry. just remember to rub the bottom off with a wet sponge so the glaze doesnt drip down when firing. + as we get older i realize we look back on experiences and mistake from the past and really appreciate what happened... ive been thinking alot about the past lately
