Tuesday, January 12, 2010


i never really thought about what situations i'm putting myself into -
a good opportunity, i assumed was an opportunity given to me from God and that shouldn't really be disagreed... until today...

RiSD's wintersession classes are supposed to be considered a "break" from the normal school year and work load, so i hear...
well i challenged myself to make use of my time here so i decided to take 6 credits (2 classes) for wintersession.. ceramics :) and mutable past...

originally i had only registered for ceramics because i forgot the day for registering for a second course.. thinking it would be fine and ceramics wouldn't be too much work i decided to email the professor and see if i could wait-list for his class..little did i know of what was to come...

Day 1 - last monday: ceramics class FLEW BY SO FAST! WHERE DID THE TIME GO?! but homework? 30 cylinders DUE THE NEXT DAY. :O i prepared myself for my stress mode and got to work, by the end of the night i wasn't even close..
Day 2 - last tuesday: i went back to studio early the next morning to continue and made up to 26 close to an hour before class started and i think i started working on it since like 9 or something.. but thats not important.. what was important was that my teacher came in and told us to stop because she knew we couldn't finish..class started and like the day before it flew by like...like when 5 minutes alone feels longer than 10 minutes with friends.. homework that night was making 10 mugs.. and yes i finished by the monday that it was due
Day 3 - last wednesday: first day of mutable past.. the teacher talks on and on about the class (and here is my part about the good opportunity) after the introduction he choose from the waiting list those who would be able to enter the class and those who wouldn't...my name was the last one to be called - the last person chosen to partake in that history on film: film on history class.. A GOOD OPPORTUNITY FROM GOD? A CLASS THAT GOD MUST REALLY WANT ME TO PARTAKE IN? YES! at that time...
Day 4 - not really important but putting it there so it's even :D

a class i barely made into, i thought was an opportunity, a chance to really work hard during wintersession.. and it was... on top of the overwhelming ceramics homework (throwing cups, bowls, plates is not easy!) i had to read 1 book a week, 150-200 pgs; an article from a packet that he specifically made; and a digital article from the internet -- writing journals after each reading.. how would you handle all of that work? when studio's are 5 hours/day and history class was 3 hours/day?

so after thoughtful consideration, i dropped the class and wouldn't you know it? the registar at my school was a day behind on add/drop forms and right before they were sending the last of the papers in, the counter lady let me in and fill out the sheet - the last person (once again) to drop a class. it was then i could breathe, then that the burdens on my shoulders were taken off, but it was later that i realized that it was I, not God, who chose the history class, and it was God who allowed me to come out of it...

WHAT DID I LEARN FROM THE PAST WEEK OF SUFFERINGS AND TREMENDOUS AMOUNTS OF STRESS ?!? romans 5:3-5 which basically says (in my point of view) sufferings --> persevering through the classes, trying to do all of my homework --> which built a diligent character --> and my hope? THAT GOD ALWAYS HAS A NEW & OPEN PATH, despite the fact that i choose such a hard path that i thought i could handle, but God knows me better than that :)

...so look to the horizon and see what i see - a beautiful sky calling my name to take a breather from the stressful world and a long path taking me to God with every step i take

p.s: this means i am going home a day earlier so i will be in LA on FEB. 10 :D

1 comment:

  1. i'll pick you up! :)
    and even though you didn't text me i read the same passage!! except i read all of 5 haha
