"I got to say it was a good day" - Ice Cube.....
The last line from Ice Cube's song..
.. and i guess for me today was a good day :)
.. at least it ended well anyways, so how was my day then?
lets see:: wake up, watch episode 85 of 지붕 뚫고 하이킥, eat a really late breakfast or early lunch (which ever way you choose to view it), go to the mail room to pick up "History on Film: Film on History" (which came on friday but I was 40 minutes late so i couldn't pick it up and read it over the weekend), go to room 007 to finish off my 10 ceramic mugs that were due today, stay in class till it started, have my mugs critiqued (which went fairly well), took a 30 minute break, went to have a slice of carrot cake and a peach POM juice, go back to class, learn how to make bowls and plates (in that order), make a plate - succeed, make a bowl - FAIL., learn to make glazes, get covered in dust, go back to making a bowl - SUCCESS!, eat dinner in the studio, start ceramics howework - 10 tall cylinders by tomorrow (technically today because its 1:40 AM exactly), complete 4 because i have no more clay left which means i have to buy more in the morning, perfect all my mugs so they can go in the kiln tomorrow (i think), go to the library read "History on Film: Film on History", leave when the library closed, walk back to my house, stress over how much work i have left, clean up and get ready for bed, check my spring schedule, find out I have my drawing studio on fridays, stress out some more because then i might not be able to make it to Linda's graduation if my teacher has his final crits during final crit week, take a breath and kind of clam down, do devos - THEN BAM! Romans 4: 4&5 - 4Now when a man works, his wages are not credited to him as a gift, but as an obligation. 5However, to the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness. - "I got to say it was a good day"
.. what was significant about the passage?
This is what it meant for me:
work means you get paid = obligation; no work and trusting God = righteousness
and in my context:
working all day at RiSD = my obligation to the school (considering how much it is for 1 semester..goodness) but not working (or taking a breather from it) and trusting God that everything will work out, and that His plan is greater than anything else = became my hope for tomorrow that I should look to God and trusting that He won't make it too hard on me before I go into panic mode.
.. so i got to say, it really was a good day :)

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